At Helicon Literary and Arts Magazine, it is our mission to showcase and celebrate the artistic output of Northwestern’s creative community. For over forty years, we have done so, and in the pages of our Winter 2023 issue, we continue this legacy. Inside, you will find an array of beautiful, visceral, and evocative pieces that have inspired our staff throughout the quarter. We wholeheartedly implore you to explore our pages and let these works inspire you as well. 

There are so many people who have helped us make this issue, and I would like to thank everybody who has supported our publication over the years. We are eternally grateful to the many generous donors who have contributed to make it possible for us to continue publishing our magazine. To every contributor who has worked tirelessly to create, every reader who has indulged their curiosity and delved into our pages, and every friend, relative, and confidant who works to encourage us each day, we offer our thanks. To Northwestern’s English Department, which enthusiastically supports us every step of the way. To everyone, regardless of area of study or personal connection to the magazine, who nurtures the artistic and literary community we strive to honor. To the rest of Helicon’s executive and editorial staff, which has not only worked hard to create the magazine, but has also made it a joy to be a part of this team. 

Finally, I would like to offer thanks to Brian Bouldrey, who once served as Editor-in-Chief and now takes up the mantle as our faculty supervisor. Thank you so much for how dearly you love this magazine, and for the future you envision for it. 

To everybody reading, let the pieces you are about to experience take you to new places. Let them impel you to see your world in a new light, or even to pick up a pen and generate new art yourself. Helicon is named for the home of the Muses, and in that manner, we encourage you to find your inspiration. 

When you do, we urge you to open your heart and create with us.

Lily Glaubinger


The works published herein are the sole property of the writers and artists who created them. No work may be used without the explicit permission of the author or artist.