Submit to Helicon
Submissions are currently open. For questions about submissions, please email our managing editor at, and we look forward to seeing your art, poetry, and prose!
Who can submit?
Helicon is proud to celebrate the work and creativity of Northwestern’s undergraduate student body. As such, we only accept submissions from current undergraduate students at Northwestern University.
What kinds of pieces are accepted?
While our magazine is organized into three sections: art, prose, and poetry, we are happy to accept any sort of creative endeavor you may embark on. In the past, our magazine has featured anything from short stories to music to hypertext adventures, and everything in between.
How many pieces can I submit?
Out of respect to our staff members who eagerly review all of our submissions, we ask that you limit submissions to those you would be proudest to submit- at most three written pieces, either poetry or prose, and as many art pieces as you would like. We publish two issues every year (one print and one digital), and you are encouraged to participate in as many rounds of submissions as you have pieces for. If you have more pieces to submit than you can upload through our form, please email them to
How are pieces reviewed?
As mentioned above, all of our submissions are reviewed anonymously by our staff to be as fair and unbiased as possible. Our managing editor removes author’s names from submissions and organizes each piece into one of three categories: art, poetry and prose. We have a dedicated staff for each creative form, who then review each piece and collectively whittle down their favorites to present to all-staff. From there, the entire staff of Helicon meets to discuss the whittled down selections and vote on what pieces are ultimately included in our magazine.