Kandace Mack

Don’t ask me why I dance girl.
I do ‘cuz I must.
I do ‘cuz it is.

So you ought to dance, girl.
Ain’t no room for us here
We dance to be seen.

So you better dance, girl.
They like when we dance
They like when we serve.

So you need to dance, girl.
Dance for your supper.
Dance for your life.

Goddamnit please just dance, girl.
They’re watching you.
You can’t feel their eyes?

God Almighty dance, girl.
They’ll find you if you’re still.
Blood in the water.

I told you to dance girl.
Now they got you dancing
With a taut rope necklace instead of pearls.

Kandace Mack is a junior Theatre major and Creative Writing minor. She enjoys cats and long philosophical conversations that make her spiral (but in a good way).