Author: helicon

Secret Meeting in the Fifth Dimension

Anna Tkebuchava Anna Tkebuchava is a sophomore in Weinberg studying Cognitive Science and minoring in physics.


Roy Zhu 1.       Tight Diamond My father hates tolls. As a child, his words broke hard on me. These potholes are shit! We would often drive anxious circles out of the way of those gates. Those tax-hungry vinegar-born wretches—tell me what we pay for anyway! He knows roads as his hand its creases—… Read More Interchanges

Snoozing Long-eared Owls

Collin Porter Collin Porter is a fourth year Environmental Science major. He enjoys making every day a bit more memorable with a camera, some earbuds, and seeing a few birds.

a soft breath out

Sydney MacGilvray the dog I am caring for has a stomachache .             (I stroke her side soft as a mother .             as she gnaws sleepily at the carpet) streetlamps melt horizontal into a buttery haze .             (the blackness above made… Read More a soft breath out

a study in erosion

Lily Walters i. you told me, once, that we are a mosaic of star stuff. we were cramped together on your little twin bed, staring up at the peeling plaster of your ceiling, the water stain in the corner above your desk.  everything seemed to push against everything else, then. hardwood floors with plush rugs,… Read More a study in erosion

Burial Rites

Emma Truong In my dream you became Every grief I don’t yet know how to name. My doctor says love is a detachment And I think of you Quietly burying your animal body While I held your hand, helped you dig, Understood the moth that lost its way home, How it made a saint out… Read More Burial Rites


Matthias Neumann Matthias Neumann is a fourth year studying Psychology, and Art, Theory and Practice. Their work is a way of centering, and learning to be comfortable with the uncomfortable.


Sydney MacGilvray It’s a bright and sunny day, and you are a good person. Of this you’re almost certain. You like to tell yourself stories, don’t you? Stories where scary things happen on dark and stormy nights. Stories where you’re in control. Stories where people who do bad things get punished. Stories where you’re not… Read More Centerline

American Interstate

Roy Zhu The brainless, seemingly unintelligent organism (Physarum polycephalum) has been harnessed to transfer specific colors between foods dyed with food coloring, move a small boat through a gel medium and even solve mazes. Over the past several years, [scientists] have used the slime mold to do something astoundingly complicated: design plans for national highway… Read More American Interstate

Black-crowned Night-heron, Reflecting

Collin Porter Collin Porter is a fourth year Environmental Science major. He enjoys making every day a bit more memorable with a camera, some earbuds, and seeing a few birds.
