Jonathan Van De Loo

It will all take place in an instant of patience,
Of bliss acquiesced.

Bricks of time stack up beneath me
As my drowsy eyes are caught by the sharp bright phone beside my pillow.

I am lifted up to a seat on a plush leather couch.
Cushions are deep. To sit and recline is to feel their vastness.

The game is on TV. Hockey, a sport I have learned to appreciate.
I enjoy the thrill it sparks in you,

The way it tugs on memories of your own days slapping
Pucks on the ice. Those days I would have been far, a distance.

Barely a stranger to you relative to our now. Tonight
I will have put on the jersey you bought me a time ago.

I can’t remember when. Never has a fabric been
So light on my skin. No thing takes my breath away

Like the vacuums of moments when you negate space between us
And press your chin onto my shoulder, fashion a head rest

Out of my side. Spool together comfortable tightness
Shaped solely from ourselves.

Muscles relax into peace.
Our entire world is still.


Jonathan Van De Loo is a theatre student from Albany, New York. Lover of breakfast, puppies, and Rihanna, he is excited to be a part of Helicon and is inspired by all of the amazing work produced by Northwestern students!