I can’t hold the music, but the lines

Before me open like a brightened window

To a world where quick shimmers

Flash like fish, glints of growing gleams,

Limbered, swell and swing and begin to spin,

and dark shades hum steadfast and steady.

I can hear flutes sing from wrinkled verdant perches,

Cut with thrilled cobalt notes and black banded downs;

I can hear azure tones open and stars pour from horns

And into a wide-spread sky, quivering with fullness;

I can hear feathery pulsing jade, twinkling watchet-white,

Whip, flashing, green sparks glistening,

I can hear slanted shining crackles crashing through

Soaring long bars, low and dark,

And waves —

Cautious waves from deep

Corners, trembling,

Rising, rumbling,

Roaring into indigo drones:

And with heavy breath,

Bursting into echoes

Of light