Mary Caserio

The otherworld has beings like this,
these creatures of sunset and stardust. ++++++++
They dwell beneath a crystalline sky with+++++++++++++++++
no sun and no stars. On each exhale they+++++++++++++++++++++++++++
bloom with fluid rhythm, sinking slow, and+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
placid, and silent across infinity’s solemn gaze.+++++++++++++++++++++++
They drift through the ultramarine, trailing+++++++++++++++
++++++tangling ribbons, sheets of silk, cloud foam
gossamer waves. Luminescence glows indelible+++
from translucent soul-bells. The world shudders,++++++++++++
entranced, by effortless grace of living.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Mary Caserio is a first-year studying computer science and hoping to pursue creative writing. She loves discovering quotes that perfectly encapsulate a feeling.