Spring 2021

the things we do not know about the universe

Ginny Ip I want the world. I want to swim in the ocean while it rains and not be afraid of drowning like a discarded piece of plastic dragged along by the waves, suffering until it nearly kills me and then I want to run away from the neon lights of the city and lie… Read More the things we do not know about the universe


Stephanie Oguine Stephanie Oguine is a singer-songwriter currently completing her MBA at the Kellogg School of Management while sharing her original music with the world for the first time. She released a song every month during 2020! You can find her anywhere you listen to music.

Union Station

Mason Fritz Mason Fritz kindly asks that you respect his privacy. You nosy little scamp, you.


Eitan Pessah “Léo!” The soft, white blanket covers everything the eye can see. A voice through quiet rings and I turn around to the scene behind me. The lake a frozen jigsaw, beehive, full of cracks and all, but again the call, “Léo!” My eyes scan the crunchy, sprawling snowfall landing on a shaggy creature… Read More Snowfall

Big Fish

Christopher Lee Christopher Lee is a freshman studying mechanical engineering. He says hi to Erin Park.

The Last Sunset in Albany

Jonathan Van De Loo Here the sun reaches out its tendrils To catch the ice which hangs, off of tree line And roof above, as though a tear. Fragments are cradled with orange-amber light. Direct eye contact would not be recommended. More thorough attention should be paid in observation of Effects on the world around.… Read More The Last Sunset in Albany


Nathan Omprasadham I stepped carefully over a trail of ants, softly so as to not disturb their labor, feeling the red dust of unpaved paths kick up nonetheless underfoot The shadows sway lazily under thick sunlight, air still clinging to yesterday’s rain as reflections glint off ponds dug for those who saw sanctified, cyclical truth… Read More Recclamative


Nia My apus made me from the stars and the earth. I am the daughter of the mountains, the rivers, and the trees. I was raised in harmony painted with soil and full of life, shining like my mother’s corn, resilient like my father’s crops. I was raised in a community of peach, orange and… Read More Genealogy

corpus callosum

April Li we are walking down húnán road together on a random saturday in july     the plane trees above us drip rain and unspoken affirmations     i am thinking about water and how this city is obsessed with it     is composed of it: húnán 湖南 “south of the lake” pǔdōng 浦东 “east of… Read More corpus callosum

Sweet Home

Christina Kim Christina Kim is a junior studying Cognitive Science at Northwestern University. She began her art career by copying atlases as a child, and she once dreamt of becoming a video game artist. Stepping into an art supply store still brings her the greatest joy.
